Donate to Whisker Warriors
Help Us Help our Whiskered Friends
We defend those who can't speak for themselves.
We provide resources for TNR (Trap Neuter Return) of homeless cats in our community. We also provide food and shelter for Community Cats
We partner with the Rancho Cordova City Council, Animal Services and other non-profits with similar missions to provide resources for residents to have access to free or very low cost spay/neuter services for all pets.
Donations Needed For

Pet food for Community Cats, seniors/homeless, Veterans and
low income residents
Costs for caring for sick community cats and providing them shelters
Whisker Warriors Animal Defense Fund
Non-profit organization, 501c3 status Tax ID 82-4933796
No goods or services provided in exchange for contributions
Credit Card donations gladly accepted on this website
Please made checks or money orders payable to:
Rancho Cordova Whisker Warriors,
P.O. Box 1415, Rancho Cordova, CA 95741
Donations are tax-deductible
(to the extent permitted by law)