We are facing an unprecedented challenge at this time. While there is much uncertainty, it is gratifying to see so many people pulling together to help each other. In our community, people are offering to help those who need to self-isolate by buying groceries or picking up medicines.
At this time, it’s heartbreaking to hear that some people feel the need to surrender their animals to local shelters. The decision may be based on medical or economic needs. In any case, please consider fostering or adopting from a local shelter or rescue organization if you hear it is becoming overwhelmed with too many animals.
Hopefully, surrendering your cat or dog will not be the case for most of you. But that doesn’t mean, you don’t want to take special steps to make sure that your pets are well cared for. The Humane Society of the United States is urging everyone to have a plan in place for your animals while this crisis is with us. HSUS recommends:
Identify a family member or friend who can care for pets if someone in the household becomes too ill to care for them.
Have crates, food and extra supplies on hand for movement and relocation of pets if necessary.
Keep all animal vaccines up to date and have copies of those records available in the event that boarding becomes necessary.
Ensure that all medications are documented with dosages and administering directions. It’s a good idea to include the prescription from your veterinarian with the medications and your pet’s to-go bag.
Pets should have proper identification: a collar with ID tag and a microchip with current, up-to date contact information.